24 September 2019

by Greg Tufnell, Managing Partner

After a strong response to my recent blog We Wish We had Met Sooner, I have been giving some more thought as to why founders, owner drivers and small businesses might be so reluctant to appoint senior advisors and ask for external help in order to further develop and grow their businesses.

From 100s of meetings I suspect it may be down to not knowing what to look for as much as not knowing what is wanted. If it is these two issues, or maybe you don’t realise it is, then I hope you find the checklist below helpful :

What should you be looking for?

Someone :

–       who is an exceptional communicator with the owner AND also key staff and key stakeholders.

–       that commits their time and experience to the owner/CEO and their business.

–       that is honest and that the owner/CEO can implicitly trust.

–       with great judgement coupled with the ability and humility to demonstrate expertise rather than assert it.

–       pro-active with an energy to help get things done and build momentum.

–       who has a natural chemistry with the owner/CEO and can be a critical friend.

–       that can support and mentor the owner/CEO.

–       that wants to set KPIs, monitor them and help the owner/CEO hold management to account.

What should you want?

Someone :

–       that provides the business with a breadth of knowledge allowing a contribution and insights that reach beyond that of the existing team and the owner.

–       with the track record and respect to challenge the owner, CEO, senior team and strategy.

–       that focuses on the substantive issues and opportunities that create real value for the business, the owner and their customers.

–       that cuts to the chase and stays on track.

–       with an independent perspective and objective view of the business.

–       who asks good questions and listens to the answers.

–       calm, balanced and impartial.

Above all you want, and should be looking for, someone to provide longterm continuity and not short term consultancy.

If that’s the kind of approach you think would take your business to the next level of growth and maximise your current opportunities then why not meet up or arrange a call for an exploratory down-to-earth conversation with us?

Prime Advantage Capital Partners or email: contact@pa-capitalpartners.com

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